Monday, March 16, 2015

Quantum Power Transmission


I was reading an article on NASA testing non-propellant drives for space flight;  which still requires power.  Now for Intra-solar system flight that shouldn't be a problem, we have the sun, which for all intents and purpose is a limitless power supply when using solar cells, but what about when you extend beyond the limits of solar power?  Do we use the power to accelerate to a point and then let it carry us to the next star system?  or do we use another source of power that can sustain the power indefinitely?
I have not seen anyone write about this idea before and I thought I would get it our there and hope someone brighter than me can either build it up or tear it down, either way as long as there is discussion and I get to hear it, I am happy.  I am not a physicist, I am a computer geek, so I am not privy to academia or the world of quantum physics, I am merely a person who thought I should write down an epiphany...

The Premise

The premise for Quantum power transmission is based off Quantum Entanglement, specifically the use of the disentangled quantum pairs.  Based on the experiments conducted, experimental physicists have been able to demonstrate Quantum entangled states on objects as large as buckyballs.

According to Maxwell's relations we know that when moving an electrically charge particle through an electromagnetic field, a charge is generated; this is the premise of an electrical generator and an electric motor (in reverse).  In an electric generator, mechanical power (from wind, water, hand crank, etc.) is converted to electrical power (whether direct or alternating current) by spinning a rotor within or around a Stator.  In electrical power generation this is typically done on a very large scale. 

The Application

Now imagine if you could create nano-generators and nano-motors where the rotors on both are entangled pairs of the other.  When we apply the electrical power to the motor, the rotor would spin causing the entangled pair to also spin, which is the rotor of the generator; this would create an electrical power transmission system across limitless space.  In addition, due to the nano-scaling of the system, it could be more flexible to design for a space craft and should be substantially more stable thanks to a large number of independent generators and motors operating in parallel. 

The Questions

  1. Has someone already thought of this?
  2. Would any of this cause the rotors to lose their quantum state?
  3. Is the theory sound?
  4. Can someone smarter than me expand on this?
Thanks for any and all that read this post, I realize it is nothing like any of my other posts, but I just had to write it down.  Please comment and provide feedback, whether good or bad, I appreciate it.  Follow me on twitter if you want to learn about SharePoint and Information Governance @DavidRMcMillan and @DevFactoPortals.

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